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Randy, whose full name was Robert Rankin MacMillan, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, United States, in 1953 and left in the presence of the Lord on May 4, 2012, by natural death, in the city of Cali, where he was based.


He and his wife, Marcela, founded the Christian Community of Faith Church in Cali, Colombia and the South American Mission Federation, made up of more than 50 churches in Colombia and in other countries such as Spain, Venezuela, Ecuador and Chile.


His life, example, ministry, love for the Lord, passion for the Word of God and intimacy with the Holy Spirit have marked thousands of lives.




In the history of this pioneer, recognized and loved by the body of Christ in Colombia, there are numerous "firsts" who reveal him as a pioneer of the revival in Cali and Colombia:

* He was the ordained first minister apostle in Cali, along with his wife Marcela in 1996, by Dr. Bill Hamon and the prophet Cindy Jacobs.


* He was the first to bring to Colombia the movement of prophetic praise, the new song, the dance and the use of instruments in praise.

His first Latin American Symposium of Praise and Worship in 1986 was revolutionary and opened the gap for the revival in the praise of this nation.


* He was one of the first Christian ministers in Cali and Colombia who during the meetings and services openly taught and prayed for the congregation to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the sign of speaking in tongues.


* He was the first pastor to start inviting foreign ministers to his church in Cali.

Many great servants of God have taught in Comunife Cali, among which are: Benny Hinn, Cindy Jacobs, Randy Clark, Ronny Chavez, T.L. Osborn, Charles and Francis Hunter, David Fisher, Igna de Suarez, Vivian Hibbert, Jhon Sheasby, Eugene May, Joe Rivera, Steven Swisher, Dave Wagner, Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, Fernando Vangioni, Frank Marzullo, Bill Hamon, Julio Donatti, among others. * He was the first apostle, along with his wife, to found and receive the legal approval of the Colombian government for his Federation of Churches in Colombia. * He was one of the first to champion and promote the foundation of the Pastor Association of Evangelical Christian Ministers of the Valley, in the city of Cali. For the love of the unity of the Body of Christ. Chile.




Since 1976 Randy and Marcela arrived in Cali and began a fruitful work in the country that has resulted in the founding of the Christian Community Church of Fe Cali and the Mission South America Federation.

Recognized as a scholarly teacher of the Bible, one of his passions was to raise leaders for the nations. With this in mind, he and his wife, Marcela, founded in Cali the IMES (Ministerial Institute of the Holy Spirit). A great center of training, training and ministration of the Word of God and in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, from which come mature believers sent to heal, liberate, minister and establish the kingdom of God where they go.


The Apostle Randy was a constant witness of faith in God and love of His Word. His teachings have blessed, in addition to Colombia, nations such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador and the United States, among others. Among his most well-known studies are: How to Be Guided by the Holy Spirit, The Five Ministries of Jesus Christ, The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, The Foundations of the Local Churches, Laws of Prosperity, Biblical Meditation, Conquering the 42 Camps of Your Character, Manual of Intercession and Spiritual Warfare.


Randy loved Cali, the city that was his second home. In his 36 years of ministry he was always at the forefront of the search and respect for the unity of the Body of Christ in the city and in the country. Even on the day of his departure, he still received at home the apostles, pastors and elders of the city with whom he shared in unity the search for the presence of the Lord and His direction for Cali.


Another of his passions was evangelism and social work. With this motivation he and his wife created the Social Transforma Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides children, youth and adults with educational opportunities based on principles and values ​​that help discover their intrinsic value in God, respect for human dignity and Leadership training (www.fundacionsocialtransforma).


Their materials and teachings in audios and videos are available to the Christian people in Comunife Cali ( -

Apostolic Father


There are people who raise children;

others have great families.

There are others with grandchildren and great-grandchildren,

but there are those, like Randy,

They have raised generations.

There are people that impact

to other people,

and there are those, like Randy,

they have the power of the Holy Spirit

to impact nations.

That was Randy:

Father of a generation

that started in Colombia

and whose ramifications

They are seen throughout the world.

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